Goal 02/25🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
Goal 02/25🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
Thank you for my entire perfect body, including taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing, brain and mind, immune system, heart, thank you so much you are a masterpiece, a miracle!
I know 1 Brazilian Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Speaking of miracles, the harmony between the United States, Austria and Brazil
is a work of art. Danke, Thank you, Obrigado!
Abundant and abundant spiritual dharmic love flowing in Brazilian and Worldwide Lives. I love and am loved unconditionally! Thank you!
Thank GOD/ALLÁH, I am only gifted with people with the best Karmas and Dharmas.
Thank you for the gifts GOD/ALLÁH! Blessed!
We need to let go of old beliefs and habits when we encounter a broader and deeper perception of reality. The world does not gravitate around my truths!
Lets empty our cups.. our first opportunity is right here, and all it takes is embracing the first expansion: #1
(I can change, I allow these changes to be easy and natural)
Example: Timelines are an illusion and your journey is unique.
Rumi" Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know the one side you are used to is better tah the one to come?" When you get thrown off the path in your life , instead lamenting your failure, you simply smile and say, "we'll see"
Example: If we understood that those who left us were never ours and were just passing through our lives, that health is a luxury that will run out and that everything we believe we have tends to disappear, we would not experience the daily anguish of losing what we do not have. There are really no losses, because nothing is mine. At the same time, whoever has your GOD has everything.
“Dolce vita:” the sweet life. We must therefore try to maximize our experience of each incarnation. The trick lies in enjoying life and the things which make it pleasant, but to do so with the knowledge that they are temporary, so one can let go with a calm and peaceful mind.
Gratitude for Food... Strength of Character Decreases Hunger and Gives Health to People!
I am pure health;
I am healthy, healthy, healthy;
I am in perfect and ideal shape;
I am full of energy;
I am feeling great;
My medical record is clean;
My body is in complete harmony;
I am grateful for my ever-evolving health;
I feel fantastic, incredible;
I have a long, happy, healthy life;
I am grateful for health, well-being.
Detachment: I let go of all my past.
I am free from old karmic debts and free from emotional baggage carried from past lives. I do not embrace future debts.
Thank you Diego. Thank you Universe!
All my Karmas are exceptionally and properly well resolved.
Highest Frequencies Now! (Spiritual Benefactors help, Thanks)
We are free from the past and the future.
Our moorings, we are no more connected.
In full consciousness, tell them: Let us part!
Present welcome!
My parrot friends and I already have abundance, plenty, prosperity and generosity for this! Thank you for the infinite opportunities! :-)
I am wealthy;
I am a money magnet;
Money is my friend;
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly;
I deserve money to do everything I want in this life;
I am open to the arrival of money in ways I never imagined;
I use money to bless my life and the lives of others;
I am happy to give because my abundance is limitless;
Seeing Life Through Colored Lenses! Love, Forgiveness and Mercy! Can I Have Humor?
Each one thanks their GOD, I am grateful for YOU SIR illuminating the path of humanity and blessing us with daily achievements/fulfilments. - Good phrases
We are grateful for such generous/abundant 🎁
Vamos honrar os pais (es)! too!
You were born perfect! Like an angel
All ladies are born with the divinity of their friends sisters. However, fear, lack of self-esteem and karmic factors, combined with the way they were raised, hide the divinity that exists within each one.
Congratulations to you ladies! Your transfiguration was noteworthy!
We are Honor; Humility; Justice; Patience; Forgiveness; Prudence; Respect; Responsibility and others virtues.
Congratulations to us!
GOD is not mocked; we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7).
I Love Life! I live well with Life!
GOD is always very grateful. Diego is Glad with HIS happiness, Lord GOD!
A Healthier e happier thinking and trying to living wisely and by achieving harmony.
Pause for the sleep of the righteous.
Grant freedom for each person to be as they are, and not as you want them to be.
Charity in the look, Charity in the gesture, Charity in the voice, Charity in the reference, Charity in the opinion, Charity in the work, Charity in the attitude, Charity in the steps, Charity in the smiles... wherever we are, let us ask her to support and guide us.
I am especially grateful for the healthy air, the light, the water, the gas that allows us to eat perfectly.
It would be unfair not to thank the "mosquitoes" that wake me up at the exact time I have to go to work.
Happier, more relaxed and applauding life and lives!
Let's always be thankful... something better is coming!
Much more valued, 2025 onwards, multiply!
You too, feel like a very valuable human being!
Life is fair to me
Dear Diego, I love your gifts, talents, vocations, sense of humor, antics, harmony, love, generosity, affection, friendship, fidelity, character, fraternity, good energy, tranquility, happy soul and spirit, etc
Waterfall, flower, crystal, green, sun, rain, snow, natural juice, dog, soul, spirit, prayer, smiling baby, butterfly flying, crushed blackberries, hair in the wind, sea, mountain, sound of water, hummingbird, yellow, fraternal hug, laughter, true love, trust, respect, humility, faith.
QualiPro® Bravado #Life, a Truckload of Blessings!
☮︎ Stick around, We are the voice of Peace. Living Values on a Daily Basis! Hope is the Oxygen of Life (One Hope Gather Us All). ☮︎ (⇞Quality and ⇞Creative Spark) [Sow the best with expectations, generously and faithfully] {GOD/ALLÁH and people help us in everything!}
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Footnote: All honor and all Glory are for you GOD!
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