Goal 01/25🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
Goal 01/25🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
Grateful for the tiny blessings too.
Own Smallness + Greatness of Life.
Accept Forgiveness from Yourself.
Forgive and be forgiven by others
The Improvement Points are Mine, the Qualities are Yours.
LA - Let's Aha!
Each person is a Gift! 🎁
See a son of GOD in every face!
We are the main of GOD's wonders!
Don't write down people's mistakes, Value the correct;
There's no need to rub mistakes in;
Give second, third chances
"Forgiveness is the economy of the heart; it saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits" – Hannah More
1- Overlook;
2- Let Go;
3- Overlook;
4- Let Go;
5- Moderate or Full Indulgence
Qualipro Monetizes and Sells like Hot Bread. Only Honest and Fair Sales.
Team's main Quality: Potent Unity (Coachable).
Sufficiently well balanced -
Don’t be too hard on yourself!
Qualipro® #Keep Moving, #Keep Running!
Let evil, greed and anger die. Thus, life will be smooth like a gentle breeze.
We are just stewards, everything is from GOD!
Ambition ok, but why greed/avarice?
Improving the Quality of Life = Giving in, Letting go, Forgiving, Not lash out at and Eliminating or knowing how to use anger positively.
There are 4 different types of mistakes (tragic, serious, trivial and brilliant).
The main benefit of mistakes is that they accelerate learning. For example, brilliant mistakes can expand the scope and accelerate learning beyond the narrow confines of conventional wisdom. Just like Correctness.
If possible transmute mistakes into achievements or fulfillments.
My modest Guidance: Let's do with the best quality in order to avoid rework, but let's make peace with our imperfections. Forgiviness is living in state of grace!
The instruction of charity involves complete forgetfulness of all evil.
"Find the good and praise it."Alex Haley
D(88) "The good in the world catch my eyes and I praise it! If praise other people is uncomfortable yet, please be respectful. Your spiritual evolution will thank you later!"
UNITY #Spirituality and Reality might be Synonyms too.
1- Purpose
2- Consistency
3- Motivation
4- Community
5- Performance
Napoleon Hill.
QualiPro® Bravado #Life, a Truckload of Blessings!
☮︎ Stick around, We are the voice of Peace. Living Values on a Daily Basis! Hope is the Oxygen of Life (One Hope Gather Us All). ☮︎ (⇞Quality and ⇞Creative Spark) [Sow the best with expectations, generously and faithfully] {GOD/ALLÁH and people help us in everything!}
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Website Goal: Sharing Free Substantial Content for a Better Life
QualiPro®, The 1st place you think of when you want Sustainability
Customized Services, charging a value which worth every penny.
Footnote: All honor and all Glory are for you GOD!
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A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity.
People's Succe$$ and Happine$$ =
QualiPro's Laurel.