Goal 03/25🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
Goal 03/25🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
Proverbs 22:22-23 We are a strong applicant! Yes, we can!
Before, During and After the contact... Do your life improved, worsened or unchanged?
What Story will be told by the Community?
Friends, Acquaintances and even Adversaries...
What person changed your life holistically for better?
I am grateful and the goal is to reciprocate multiplied through life and by our legacy.
GOD/ALLÁH does not punish us, does not chastise us. The suffering we experience is caused by ourselves, so that we can learn what is right and wrong. The suffering we experience is the same that we have caused to other people, if not in this life, then certainly in another past life. Let us not do it again! Or rather, let us pay with good and love.
Learn to put yourself in someone else's shoes and feel what they feel, understand their reasons and try to study each person's emotional motives. Let us ask ourselves with empathy: Why did that person act like that towards me?
What motivations led someone to do what they did?
In this context, do you believe that the right word may lessen pain and promote health? I suspect so. what do you think? There are those who say that the way to end pain is not resistance, but acceptance. Graduated professionals, please introduce yourselves.
There's no point in talking about your "pains" to someone who isn't blessed with empathy. It's unlikely to solve anything. He/She is probably exclusively interested in the money he/she will receive.
Never get discouraged in life, if you face your "pains", you will transcend your problems and find solutions. Sometimes together.
Serenize or eliminate thoughts, as the more the mind tries to get rid of suffering, the more it can increase. Raise awareness! Example: all suffering can be resignified as the best for you. Today, I live my truth that suffering is an illusion. Another possible suggestion is not to interpret sufferings as anything other than natural loving educational processes.
Before throwing a stone at someone who is suffering, “that they must have karma”, it is better to think. We do not have all the information, so we cannot judge.
Dynamic resignation, that is, the acceptance of the problem with a courageous attitude to face it and remove its cause, represents an advanced step towards its solution.
Don't contribute to suffering. The cause of suffering is both karma and obscurations (cognitive and emotional) and non-virtuous actions.
The quickest way out of a karmic cycle is to do whatever takes us away from ignorance and brings us closer to consciousness. In the context of karma, intention is everything.
Do not react to what is unconscious, but instead break the karmic cycle of action and reaction.
Everything has a solution, and when a person helps, minimizes karma, he pays off karma and opens up another possibility, which is Dharma. Dharma is the right action that elevates us and leads us to excellent results and can motivates us to seek our best version possible. Truth, purity, nonviolence, and discipline are the stars of Dharma, guiding us to human excellence.
No matter how much you may be suffering, never give up, because you may be close to finding peace and happiness.
Light of my being, what GOD requires to put an end to your suffering is a serious, effective improvement and a sincere return to good and love.
We can transform challenges into opportunities for spiritual development and move closer to the ultimate goal of liberation or enlightenment.
Suggestion: Consoling: Cry and Dry Your Tears.
Merciful Lord, Help humanity convert all hatred into Love.
May we be happier even if sometimes we can suffer!
How can we allow suffering to ennoble us? If we have to suffer sometimes
(The idea that we have everything we need inside is what heals)
There is plenty of room for you in this destination, so come with me and everyone else here.
It is a world where miracles happen every day. It is a world that overflows with happiness and well-being, where all good things exist right now, inside you.
No one will help us more than GOD/ALLÁH.
PATH - To act in the most conscious way possible, always looking for the most beneficial path for the situation and everyone involved. Highlight: Avoid causing harm.
To Direct the focus of consciousness to the present moment and not to the past or even to the future, because a worked present makes the future.
While the UN agency points to around 15 million Brazilian men and women who are hungry, the Penssan Network estimates 33 million. According to FGV Social, there would be around 77 million people with some level of food insecurity in the country.
🌐 Hope is: #P.O.V.O = Pessoas Organizadas Vitoriosas Ovacionadas.
- about stuff, realize that there is nothing missing in our lives, we might wish more or being content.
- about lives, realize that 01 life can change the world exponentially for better, so let's do our best to save people.
Entertainment is vital. Without it, we would work excessively, take ourselves too seriously, get bored, annoy each other. What about stress?
Entertainment puts a Smile on the Lips while God brings permanent Joy to the Soul!
The Youth of the Soul is maintained when there is Joy in the Heart ❤️
In harmony with GOD's will.
Our Angel Leader Mr. Zezinho!
#You are Spectacular... Our biggest Star Frajolinha thanks you for your devotion to Cats of ENAP.
In addition to be born as a Natural Talent Manager.
He does good with mastery!
Better said, doing good has a name... Zezinho!
Ms. Austria aka
Ms. Blessing.
High Qualities while Solving Problems (Patience, Wisdom, etc). Sophisticated Leadership charms Admires, and Multiplies the Best of Each.
Forgiving some antics and nothing changes is for few.
As she is special, she still improves lives.
[The most successful people, start with a dominant talent - and then add skills, knowledge and practice to the mix.]
Lindomar, Mr. Solution #10 do Flamengo.
Keen eye for his job.
He makes our Lives Easier, Always.
He bring us Blessings and Joy in style!
I'm starting to think he's Vascaíno hahaha
Flamengo + Vasco, United in brotherhood!
Look at the style: he scores a goal with his boot untied
He only accepts affectionate hugs to celebrate goals! He loves it!
In 2020 and 2021, Brazil suffered the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic that took the unemployment rate to a record high, 14.9 in September 2020 and again in March 2021. The economic recovery proved efficient in 2022 when the unemployment rate retreated to the lowest rate since February 2015.
2023 - Unemployment rate at 8.4%, the lowest level in 8 years.
Methodical Determination.
By Invitation or Merit-Based.
QualiPro® Bravado #Life, a Truckload of Blessings!
☮︎ Stick around, We are the voice of Peace. Living Values on a Daily Basis! Hope is the Oxygen of Life (One Hope Gather Us All). ☮︎ (⇞Quality and ⇞Creative Spark) [Sow the best with expectations, generously and faithfully] {GOD/ALLÁH and people help us in everything!}
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Thanks for the love Go Daddy!
Footnote: All honor and all Glory are for you GOD!
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