Goal 12/24🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
Goal 12/24🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
In order to have more chances to get along with living beings (smoothly)
- Peaceful Coexistence. (Every day is a lab and a learning).
Treating others well means treating yourself well.
An individual may be more advanced and evolved in certain areas of life, but remember that we may be behind in many others.
Unite, every Life has great value!
Learn that when we are prejudiced or judge someone, spirituality takes its toll on us later on. Don't care about these inferiorities. (prejudices and judgments).
Most people make their judgments based on appearance, on superficialities and for that reason, few judge things correctly.
In fact, they shouldn't judge at all.
We know many things at the same time that we know nothing.
The pain caused by us in another, we will feel it, tomorrow, in ourselves, because we are all one. The happiness, likewise!
Divine mercy alleviates/mitigates many of our problems, but causing harm to others it would be like being a savage in the Stone Age.
However, nobody is perfect. Realistically, we are all in the process of learning, growing and evolution.
Luckily, civilized people who collaborate with happiness coexist with us.
Argue less and forgive more (70x7).
If someone is still counting [...] they are not forgiving.
Do your best to be at peace with everyone, avoiding spiritual disagreements.
We are no one to give Lessons or Morals, Prudence and Respect for the Spiritual Maturity of each Individual is a diligence and may become a bonus.
(May we see the Best Qualities in each Individual.)
Earth is a great hospital of souls.
On this evolutionary journey, let us be indulgent and benevolent towards others.
Humans and Animals - Both go to the same place —they came from dust and they return to dust.
We were created to live in Unity, Love and Grace.
Internalization is conquering our shadow, elevating it to the condition of light of good for which we were created.
D(88) Let us observe the difficulty of others, in truth, as if they belonged to us.
Lucas - Não sei dar trabalho, mas posso aprender hahaha
“Judge not, and ye shall not be judged. Condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned. Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.
Often People's words are more about them than about you.
The tongue can be a source of blessing or a poison, use it wisely!
Do not poison yourself or others. Quite the contrary, use it as healing!
Luke 4:8 and Matthew 4:10
“You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve him only”
We sin by words, deeds, omissions and thoughts.
Ultimately, all sin is against GOD. When we hurt a brother/sister,
we are sinning against GOD.
The joys of sin are false and fleeting.
To be sorry for one's past sins is clever. Not repeating them is wise.
No sin is more serious than rebellious and nothing is more important than obedience.
However, It's up to you! Maybe Penalty only in sports!
Unnecessary risk, even life-threatening in some cases!
Being disobedient to the word of GOD may become maximum risk!
It is advisable that we do our best to be 1000% obedient to GOD's will!
As I am not the owner of the truth, I believe that there are controversies if GOD punishes sins,
it is highly prudent to avoid those wrongdoings and their consequences.
It shouldn't happen at all... one mistake may leads to another mistake.
Do not let this happen!
Rationalization for not facing our own sins: It is easier to blame others than to acknowledge our own mistakes and ask for forgiveness. We are tolerant of ourselves and impatient with others. We feel relieved to blame others and justify our mistakes. We put on masks of pity and point out the faults of others.
The sufferings that result from sin are a warning to you that you have behaved badly. They give you experience, they make you feel the difference between good and evil and the need to improve yourself so that, in the future, you can avoid what has caused you a source of bitterness.
No one fools anyone, you are the one who fools yourself.
Sooner or later, in life or after death (according to your belief),
The bill for sin arrives and may be too high. As much as that of injustice.
Now, we have to be clever and wise at the same time. We believe in you! Don't give up!
Everything has a solution in life! - "Throwing stones or being stoned"is not one of them.
Even if you have sinned, who you have an open dialogue, do not fail to warn about possible sins, GOD has already erased all your transgressions.
Say with confidence: I know that I am forgiven of my sins, injustices and transgressions.
Forgive past mistakes and move on, there is always a New One Life.
Put an end to any discord, forgive and be forgiven, follow your path towards the evolution of our karmically indebted spirit.
Let us raise awareness so that we can pay off debts of spirit and have a positive balance.
Harvest of the Spirit: Cause and Effect / Action and Reaction
(Let us celebrate our spirit free from impurities)
[Em nome de Jesus, oro e suplico pela saúde, finanças, prosperidade, relacionamentos, filhos, espírito, alma, de desafetos que porventura tenha cultivado desde minha infância. Bem-Aventurados filhos de DEUS são!]
Agora, olhemos e agimos para frente!
Be wise: your fight is not against any human being. Nobody is your enemy.
By strengthening yourself spiritually you become more astute and safe from some spirits!
Patience: is the lifeblood of a peaceful heart.
Goal: Coração quebrantado e o Espírito contrito.
Holy fear is the key to the firm foundation of GOD, unlocking the treasures of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. Together with the love of the Lord, it forms the foundation of life. Be protected!
Final Clarity: Socio-emotional selectivity.
You stop sweating the small stuff and realize that most things are small.
Most things no longer have much or no importance.
Possibility - To live a spiritual life and you may be less afraid of death.
You accept cicles Naturally.
Higher Target is Salvation (the sooner you identify the better).
No matter how glorious a life, a position or a mission,
or how arduous the struggles of this world, one day everything will end.
What follows depends on your belief.
Red Alert: Maximum Caution.
What is the biggest obstacle to Salvation?
God gives seeds to those who Sow...
Focus on Being a Blesser:
Emphasis is not on Quantity but on Intent.
Expect Multiplied Harvests
Human Nature is more than Blessed.
On the other hand, we cannot generalize hahaha
The human being is the only being that has been destroying his fellows and still flatters himself as the most intelligent being on the planet.
Oh! Vanity, oh
Authority is a Divine choice, not human merit. The chosen ones of GOD, can be for instance, a beggar, a drug addict, a teacher, a king, or anyone. Let us be careful of the consequences when we touch lives.
Avoid Foolish Decisions:
Not being impulsive in the short term and pondering the consequences of
medium term and long term.
Consequences of a choice you are making:
Will it bring happiness and understanding to both sides?
This thought of action is fruitful.
In adopting this approach you elevate the chances of good karma and blessed harvest.
Red/Green Alert: Let's be extremely careful: Let's not play with the power of Karma.
Let's live forward!
1000% Conscious and Virtuous.
Problems may also become glorious seeds that grow into golden harvests.
Treat problems as a friend.
Most of us don't realize the power of Sowing until the time of Harvest. This is very wise and shrewd, there is a book by Rogério Cascão about this.
Raise People's Self-Esteem and Value! Never put them down!
Who takes revenge needs to know GOD better
The solution comes from GOD.
There's no point in fooling GOD!
People who are GOD's investment, likewise.
GOD sees everything!
In provocation in offense or mocking, is advisable to control the spirit and the mouth, they are just tickles, nothing more! Nice try! Nice future harvest!
2) Decide what problem you want to be remembered for solving;
4) Solve problems cheerfully;
6) Remember that problems are opportunities to reveal your distinction from others.
8) It is better to say no than to fail at (your/our) impossible.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of early flowering and late flowering?
What do you accumulate? Is it for your good or suffering?
"If acquiring material things were our purpose in life, we would be able to take them with us when we leave." Rhonda Byrne
"Now whether or not to accumulate Karma is another matter."
Setbacks which might contribute to your spiritual progress: "if you have it, it's a great joy. If you don't have it, it's a great blessing".
Blah blah blah, insults and bulshit - go in one ear and out the other (be [like] water off a duck’s back).
Wise advices - pay close attention and put in practice adjusting to your reality.
Make an effort to react to things with calm and peace, trying to understand everything around you with a heart full of compassion, conditioning your mind to live in this state of serenity and
full acceptance.
Real estate, means of transport, food, drink, titles, appearance, power, people, internet, cell phone, money, land, animals or any possession.
Intro: The main purpose of a spirit's life is to learn and practice unconditional love for all people, including oneself.
To obey your GOD and well-intentioned people helps.
Spirits evolving and Spirits needing to evolve. (Let us have understanding and patience). Strengthen yourself with love, patience, tolerance and serenity to overcome the problem of misunderstanding.
In order to achieve what we were designed for, it is essential to develop waiting skills.
What distinguishes backward Spirits is, firstly, the revolt against GOD, through the denial of Providence and any power above Humanity; then, by the instinctive propensity for degrading passions, for the anti-fraternal feelings of pride, hatred, jealousy, cupidity, in short, the predominance of attachment to everything material.
Good Spirits never give orders: they do not want to impose themselves, they only advise and if they are not heard, they withdraw. Retrograde Spirits are authoritarian, give orders, want to be obeyed and don't let go easily on that.
Its qualities and powers for good are related to the degree of advancement achieved. Some have science, others wisdom and kindness. The most advanced combine knowledge with moral qualities.
Pure Spirits are very elevated beings.
They are bearers of absolute intellectual and moral superiority in relation to other Spirits, representing the maximum essence of spiritual perfection, and are, therefore, freed from material influences and exempt from their suffering.
They will achieve eternal life in the bosom of GOD.
Elevation of human consciousness. Healing negative emotions, harmonizing conflicts with others and creating good examples for humanity. It's a good start!
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