Goal 12/24🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
Goal 12/24🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
Good Spirits and Pure Spirits are more than Welcome!
Immature soul (karma)
Beginning of Spiritualization (Dharma, Kama, Artha)
Karma is the chance of learning, of evolution.
Our destiny is finally to learn the lessons of our positive and negative karma, and to rise above illusions that enmesh us in everyday life.
We are not teachers/masters, but rather, always students of evolution.
Thinking we are a teachers/masters can be risky.
Dharma refers to duty, ethics, morals and responsibility. It is the right path or the correct duty that a person should follow throughout life. Being faithful to the dharma is considered a path to happiness and personal fulfillment, as well as contributing to the harmony and well-being of society.
Kama refers to sensory and emotional pleasure, worldly desires and pleasures, including love, sex and entertainment. While it is important to satisfy these desires, they must be balanced and harmonized with other aspects of life, such as religious and moral duty.
Artha refers to the material and financial objective of life, such as obtaining financial security, prosperity and social prestige. It is important to remember that artha must be earned ethically and honestly.
In a nutshell: Satisfactorily dose materialism with spiritualization as well as other areas of life. Knowledge Management (without gaps or excesses) can be the Best Drink. Living virtuously and consciously can be the Best Dish.
Each person must seek what their level of consciousness is ready to receive and use. We must respect each person’s evolutionary processes and moment.
Sage and Mystical Transcendence.
Each Human Soul has the right time to Awaken and Sublimate itself. Everything happens for a reason and only at the right time.
Moksha is the ultimate Goal of Life, freedom from suffering and impermanence.
Enigmatic Questions: (No one needs to know the answer, just you.) But the more people know them for themselves, the better.
“Why do good people suffer too?”
“What is the meaning of life? or
“Why should life have a meaning?”
"What is the ultimate goal of humanity?"
"Do you constantly examine and reflect about your soul mission?"
"How is your spiritual evolution and salvation?"
“What happens after we die?”
“The secret of life is to die before you die — and find that there is no death.” — ECKHART TOLLE
Symbiotic Learning and Professional Exchange.
A Virtuous Mentor is more interested in the Mentee's benefit than their Personal Interests. Mentoring is an Rewarding Purposeful Action to develop the Maturity, Skills and Well-Being of Mentees. The Best Mentors polish their Mentees. A Professional one, can devote to reassure Clients in Hard Times.
Be Grateful and Teachable.
The Past belongs to Old People.
The Future belongs to Young.
The Present belongs to Disciples*
* If you cannot study, do not recommend ignorance.
Study, yet live Smarter. VITALS Inventory is applicable?
V – Values ; I – Interests ; T – Temperament
A – Around-the-Clock ; L – Life Mission and Goals ; S – Skills/Strengths.
Approaches: 3rd Opinion, 2nd Advice and 1st Reference.
1st Does it need to be done? 2nd If yes, do it with Superior Quality.
Focus: Future Plans - Doing the Right Things, then shine as a Super ⭐
Do not allow outside Opinions or Influences go against your Goals.
Dream Job: Linked to what interests you and makes you Successful and Happy.
Look out: Your Success might bring restrictions and facilities, rarely Happiness have drawbacks.
Be wise... money, power, beauty, and fame might improve or screw up people.
Moreover, people might try to lift you up or sink you... choose wisely.
You will never regret saying a good word and being faithful to yourself to start.
How can a person be faithful to others without being faithful to their own words? Charges for light (electricity) bill only.
Overinvest in any field by unbalancing Life might be Counter-Productive.
Underinvest can also be a problem. Why not suitably allocate time, energy and talents?
Healthy Ego - When suitable and if necessary, use your Ego Booster.
"All adversity has the seed of an equal or greater benefit" Napoleon Hill
In the good land of virtues, mistakes can be repaired and losses redeem.
Ordinary life can be absorbing too. Sounds easy, right?
"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it."
Adjustable Plan
I would/will promote fast at Work:
Progression on Merit!
Kindly, Value these names...
Taking Mentor's Advices and Feedback Seriously.
8 ⭐Dream Well-doers:
08: Ms. Ana P. Botín - Santander
07: Ms. Kamala Harris - VPOTUS
06: Ms. Julie Sweet - Accenture
05: Mr. Sílvio Santos - SBT.
04: Mr. Matt LeBlanc - Friends.
03: Mr. Phill - Why so Serious?
02: Mr. João Cândido - ENAP.
01: Ms. Edite Dantas - ED Operadora.
8 ⭐Dream Ethical Guides:
1st: Mr. Clóvis de Barros
2nd: Mr. Mario Sergio Cortella
8 ⭐Dream Career Counselor:
1st: Ms. Iara Miranda
2nd: Ms. Carla Badauy
8 ⭐Dream Guru
1st: Mr. Sri Prem Baba
8 ⭐Dream Natural Leadership:
1st Ms. Jacinda Arden
2nd Mr. Thiago Correia
8 ⭐Dream Coach:
1st Mr. Eric
2nd Mr. Zidane
8 ⭐Dream CEO:
1st Ms. Bara
2nd Mr. Larry Page
8 ⭐Dream Owner:
1st Mr. Ricardo Betti
2nd Mr. Elon Musk
8 ⭐Dream Founder:
1st Dom Pedro I/ José Bonifácio
2nd G. Washington/ T. Jefferson
8 ⭐Dream Brain:
1st Mr. Ben Gan - Big Ben or Big Brain
2nd Mr. José Bonifácio Brasil de Oliveira
8 ⭐Dream Legacy:
1st Her Majesty the 👑 Elizabeth II
2nd Mr. Juscelino Kubitschek
8 ⭐High Qualities:
1st 👑 Maria Leopoldina da Áustria
8 ⭐Head Honcho:
1st: Global Community - People
8 ⭐Light Avatar:
1st (...) Reserved to whom help me marry my Dream Lady.
8 ⭐Dream Spontaneous Comedians:
1st: Mr. Lindo Olhar - Pipa
8 ⭐Dream Cultural Facilitators:
1st: Mohammad & Ali (Bahrain)
External stuff cannot solve Internal things.
Fernando Sarráis
MacKenzie Scott revolutionized Charity.
Spread the good name of others, valuing their qualities, showing their virtues, highlighting their rightness, their successes and triumphs, praising all that good and virtuous that we discover in them.
For Safety Reasons...
🚩 Red Flag: A Person unable to admit Mistakes, yet able to blame others.
Occasionally it is better to admit other People's mistakes, not defend yourself and throw the situation out to the Universe. Divine and Spiritual justice often will take charge when human injustices occur.
🏁 Checkered Flag (Praiseworthy Virtues): Faith, Hope and Charity.
Benevolence; Beneficence.
xx and Douno, Beinsa.
QualiPro® Bravado #Life, a Truckload of Blessings!
☮︎ Stick around, We are the voice of Peace. Living Values on a Daily Basis! Hope is the Oxygen of Life (One Hope Gather Us All). ☮︎ (⇞Quality and ⇞Creative Spark) [Sow the best with expectations, generously and faithfully] {GOD/ALLÁH and people help us in everything!}
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