Goal 02/25🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
Goal 02/25🏆 Our Team Scores as many🥅 as Possible
🌎 Global Citizenship - Cultivate some selfless Friendships.
Laughter is the Sun that drives Winter from the Human Face.
At the confluence of Soul Gool is Love Gool.
Hierarchical balance between Head (Intelligence and Will) and Heart (Affectivity). Internal success = Psychological Maturity.
Balance of the Soul:
(Intelligence, Will, Affectivity, Tendencies, Imagination, Memory, Perception, Behavior).
Harmonizing all these faculties is challenging.
Balance of the Brain:
Integrate and Harmonize the 2 cerebral hemispheres.
Habit: Thinking, Reflecting, Meditating before Serious Decisions.
True Freedom and Happiness is within Yourself.
It is easy to distinguish between love and karmic relationships. Love reassures and calms, while karmic relationships fill your life with negativity and even destructiveness.
Don't curse anyone who became an instrument of your pain. He/she does not yet know the light of truth. Pray for this person, asking GOD for help.
In a karmic confrontation there are no winners, only protagonists of a tragic situation.
To settle any impasse so that it doesn't maintain the karma or turn into a new one.
If the other side thinks differently, understand and move on!
You are free and did your job!
Where there is Consciousness, Love and Forgiveness,
there is no karma or is it diminished.
We invoke a cleansing and purification of all karma.
(Love at the highest levels activated is as if it were the consolidation)
[of a Best Friendship]
We are not available to make enemies.
(Why not evolve?)
Just true friends, please!
Dharmic Love, The Most Welcomed! Much Love, Thank you Spiritual Love! (Both Faithful)
Dharmic relationships are those where learning happens through love: they are those where both are fully understood and accepted.
However, liking is not enough when we see that the other person
has no character, dignity or maturity.
Love can be fragmented by these weaknesses, for instance.
Important: Don't let strengths and qualities become weaknesses.
What would be your ideal 1st date?
Two heads are better than one
Partners and Friends forever.
Be open to have a Good Communication.
Convey your Truth, Wants and Needs transparently.
"Concession is vital. Connections are about concession."
Correspondence on different levels is fundamental for a relationship to flourish.
"Eye to eye connection is significant,
yet how regularly do you make it, and in what ways?"
"Understanding inclinations, eccentricities and techniques."
"Propose to address a task that the couple have been putting off."
"Make up a rundown of things you love or respect about your helper."
"Try not to interfere with your life partner. Communication additions can stand by."
"Give each other space. Comprehend that your time away from one another can help you both fill in your relationship as much as being together."
"Support your accomplice's vocation objectives by continuously being a fair and empowering voice."
Do what you can to help one another manage the anxiety of each day life.
"Know her requests".
"Make a list of must-dos together."
"Allow your accomplice to show you something new.
"Pay special attention to your life partner in hard moments.
Face/Win challenges together.
Adjust yourself rather than attempt to change the other individual.
Admit carelessness, figure out how to apologize, avoid unnecessary conflicts and forgive each other.
"Enjoy some fun contest. Always look at her best shot.
"Be available to weakness".
"Pose inquiries that show certified interest."
"Taking on another side interest together means quality and enhancing time together."
You can do it!
"Delight in your helper's achievements."
"Check out your helper and let her know you love her."
Figure out how to recognize and give praise.
"Praise her before individuals, Praise her secretly.
"Kiss your helper each day."
One-two as Teammates.
Sex is more than physical passion.
Transmuted sexual energy.
Extreme attitudes are dangerous
"Never allow your accomplice to fail to remember exactly the amount you like her."
"Marriage isn't only about images and services
yet it's with regards to activities and practices.
My greatest sadness of my life will be when my mother pass away while my greatest joy will be meeting my wife.
Get rid of communciation "noises" and barriers.
Appreciate/Value those who deserve it, including us.
Be more Married to the Wife than the Mission.
Both Working Hard to keep each other Happier.
Headline: How to stay young until the end?
We intend to live forever.
So far, so good. – Steven Wright
Why not thrive together?
I will boost you to live your Best Life
Home with a
Sharing Atmosphere.
Listen carefully and
don't Interrupt
In Communicating about life, some people and books say to avoid unsolicited advice as well solving your helper's concerns. First try to empathize and share similar situations.
Buddy Companion...
To put it simply, I promise nothing
Religion? It don't matter. To serve GOD. It is our ideal.
Listen Attentively,
Speak Skillfully,
Practice Patience.
In God's Design and Time!
Children Education: Love and Rules or consequently, Psychological Immaturity
"A Lady feeds on caresses, like a Bee on flowers" - Anatole France
I might handle you at your Worst or Best.
May I Know your love language?
Keep your Heart Open.
Go for it!
Live in Love, Wisdom and Truth.
"Maturity means facing life's problems with strength and objective calm and concentrating with intelligence and discernment in finding the solution." Sri Daya Mata
"Maturity allows me to look with less illusions, accept with less suffering, understand with more tranquility, want with more sweetness." Lya Luft
Maturity can also be defined by the individual's ability to listen to conscience rather than the ego's calls. The more we do this, the more mature and freed we will be.
When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers within himself.
If an unfortunate breaks your heart, be aware of Snakebite Bias, yet you deserve better.
Skillful speech entails speaking in ways that are trustworthy, peaceful, comforting, and worth hearing. - Even more important is to develop listening skills, sometimes slow down the dialogue, can allow hings to cool a bit. Ask the other person if you have heard them correctly, and repeat the words you heard as accurately as you can. - Allan Lokos.
The more you mature, the more necessary is nonverbal communication.
8 pillars of Diego's Maturity:
Patience, Security, Organization, Focus, Responsibility, Determination, Productivity and Attitude as foundations.
5 pillars of Emotional Maturity
"Gaining Internal Space, Psychological Reaction Time, Emotional Balance, Personality Flow and Connection with Quality Relationships." - Frederico Mattos
"The center of all love immaturity revolves around avoiding abandonment and rejection, translating into a coexistence full of conflicts and games to assuage a lack that is never satisfied even with all the manifestation of love in the world" Frederico Mattos
Avoid the childish tendency to blame, criticize, accuse the other, at the same time that you is innocent and plays the victim.
"It is natural for immature people to hurt others. Being annoyed with them is like resenting a fire for burning" - Shantideva Bodhicharyavatara.
Challeging to build a deep relationship with a person who doesn't recognize their mistakes. Better to keep the bond superficial.
"When we transform egocentric neediness into loving partnership, the other person is no longer an object for our happiness and becomes a path to mutual growth"
Frederico Mattos
A mature person is receptive and open to understanding the reality of the other.
Be lighthearted is a natural result.
Some Antagonisms only cause Problems. Margin of Manoeuvre may be necessary.
The only thing we really control: The ability to decide the meaning of events.
Love is not enough to guarantee well-being; a love that is good for both is necessary.
Two-Way-Street - Balance between Giving and Receiving
Receive without pride, release without attachment.
Detachment and focus on the present/future
Ability to adapt to changes and patience when making decisions.
In friendships, look for quality instead quantity. Be selective!
Surround yourself with good influences.
Be aware of the Boomerang Action.
Be aware of Compensation Law.
Crises as changes of transformations.
Try to Transform "I must have" in "I can"
Who knows how much time you have left, or what tomorrow awaits?
Live each day as if it were your last.
Thoughts of joy focused on the bright side of life.
Purified thoughts, smooth and tranquil life.
Throw away the thorns and rubbish.
Time Filter, Subjectivity Filter, Context Filter. Right Association.
Some personalities believe we are not what we accumulate, maybe we are the solid and long-lasting relationships we build and the memories we leave. Each person is unique, thinks in a proper way and have a different perspective that needs to be respected.
Our quality of life and happiness do not depend on conditions or externalities.
Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life's Decision.
Stay flexible and receptive to new instructions.
Fully accept yourself and make your Life as interesting as possible.
Love = State of being, not a relationship. Relationship is a sharing. Love in a relationship means building and includes respect, courtesy, affability, discretion, so on.
Make the most of what comes to you and regret as minimum as possible what goes away. Art of Valuing.
Would you like moments that take our breath away?
Forewarned is Forearmed.
The Greatest Divine Law is the Law of Love, practicing Good can free us from unpleasant "Disincarnation" while we collaborate with a Better World.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
Não nos iludimos nem nos envaidecemos, ninguém sabe os próximos passos na vida.
Proverbs 27:1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.
Natural, Neutral, or Tragic?
We don't know the after death too.
Deep Peace! Fearless.
That we have a favorable Divine Justice!
Dra. Jane Krüger
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